Check out our resources for FET and Youthreach educators below!

First Point of Contact Training

This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to deal appropriately with a disclosure of sexual violence, in settings where this is likely to occur. It is also a pre-requisite for anyone wishing to do voluntary work (e.g. fundraising) with Galway Rape Crisis Centre. The training is delivered by Galway Rape Crisis Centre counsellors with extensive client experience and training skills, and counselling professionals from the University of Galway.

This training specifically targets third-level staff and student leaders, including student services, college administration, counselling and wellbeing, academic programme management and research, and agencies/organisations relevant to education and research.

This training covers topics including:

  • Critical understanding of consent and SVH (sexual violence and harassment).
  • Communication/interpersonal skills.
  • Confronting your biases around Sexual Violence and Harassment.
  • Interpersonal skills to support receiving a disclosure.
  • Self-care practices following a disclosure.
  • Support services for survivors of SVH and the people supporting them.
  • Mandatory reporting information.

To find out more about First Point of Contact Training, email or click here »

Consent, Sexual Violence and Harassment: Practitioner Skills & Practice (PS6158)

This 10 ECTs Continuing Professional Development (CPD) module, delivered by Active* Consent and the Galway Rape Crisis Centre, supports individuals involved in implementing programmes and initiatives related to consent, sexual violence and harassment. In particular, we draw on examples related to the Consent Framework (‘Safe, Respectful, Supportive & Positive: Ending Sexual Violence & Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions’) promoted by the Department of Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science, work with post-primary schools, and other community settings.

While the content will specifically target the education and post-primary sectors, we welcome participants who are working in areas such as youth work, community organisations, the Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána, etc.

Sexual consent, sexual violence and harassment (SVH) are critical issues in educational settings. This module equips participants to design and support student engagement and organisational development, through coverage of areas such as:

  • Critical understanding of consent and SVH.
  • Designing, implementing, supporting and evaluating consent and SVH programmes.
  • Skills for training, workshop facilitation, collaboration and group work.
  • Policy, guidelines, and frameworks.
  • Principles of organisational culture change.
  • Communication/interpersonal skills.
  • Interpersonal skills to support receiving a disclosure.

This module will support participants to achieve or extend relevant knowledge and skills and provide an opportunity to share and discuss their learning. It is envisaged that participants will have a range of experiences and backgrounds – for instance, in student services, college administration, counselling and wellbeing, academic programme management and research, and agencies/organisations relevant to education and research.

The module team will provide a clear structure and framework for your learning, encourage you to identify the specific areas you wish to focus on and support these paths, working together with all module participants as respected partners to promote a learning community to share knowledge and problem-solving capacity.

The module covers three main topic areas:

  • Designing, supporting, and evaluating education and development programmes on consent, sexual violence and harassment for students and staff.
  • Supporting organisational change through staff development, training in receiving disclosures, and acting as a resource for organisational culture and climate change.
  • Developing policies and best practice to underpin institutional and procedural change. The module is led by the Active* Consent programme.

Click here for the CPD module application form. The application form will remain open until January 22nd at 5pm.  

In addition to the application form, you will need to submit a copy of your passport or driver’s licence (required for registration) to

To find out more about this course, email or click here »

Sexual Violence and Harassment: How to Support Yourself and Your Peers

This eLearning module introduces a nuanced understanding of sexual violence and harassment, and was designed specifically for young people aged 17-25.

This self-guided module brings users on a gamified journey to increase knowledge and build confidence to navigate the complexities of consent. The module also provides users with practical and introductory skills in supporting friends who disclose negative sexual experiences and how to safely intervene in developing negative situations in peer groups and communities.

Click here to learn more and to access the module.

Sexual Consent workshops for FET and Youthreach

The Active* Consent Workshop (available in-person or online) provides a sex-positive and safe space to explore the nuances of sexual consent.

The workshop supports young people in building their knowledge of consent as a key component of positive sexual health and well-being. We believe that effective consent education supports young people’s sexual health and agency, and is taught through a sex-positive lens that empowers the reflection necessary to make informed choices about whether or not they ever choose to be intimate with another person.

Click here to learn more about the workshop, possible briefing sessions, and how to get trained as a facilitator.

You can also contact us to get in touch with our FET co-ordinator for any queries.

Green Flags activity

The Relationship Green Flags Activity is a positive, interactive exercise that encourages participants to reflect on their idea of a “good” romantic partner, and the positive aspects of romantic and sexual relationships. It helps to show that consent is a positive concept, not just something related to sexual violence.

While we should be aware of red flags, as it is important to raise peoples’ awareness of abusive/unhealthy relationships, it is also important to share information on what healthy relationships look like.

This is a great activity for any learning institution for a variety of events, including:

  • Student/learner orientation
  • Wellness Week
  • Consent Week
  • SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) Week

Click here for our How-To guide on delivering the Green Flags activity in your institution.

Start Here campaign

How can I help - start hereActive* Consent and USI’s 2020 national Sexual Experiences Survey revealed that 79% of college students in Ireland who disclosed sexual misconduct (rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment) told a close friend.

The #StartHere campaign gives young people the basic skills and information to handle a disclosure from a friend or peer sensitively and effectively.

Click here to access our Start Here campaign resources (these resources are designed for young people aged 17-25. If you are an educator working with young people under 17, click here).