Consent, Sexual Violence and Harassment: Practitioner Skills & Practice (PS6158)

This 10 ECTs Continuing Professional Development (CPD) module, delivered by Active* Consent and the Galway Rape Crisis Centre, supports individuals involved in implementing programmes and initiatives related to consent, sexual violence and harassment. In particular, we draw on examples related to the Consent Framework (‘Safe, Respectful, Supportive & Positive: Ending Sexual Violence & Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions’) promoted by the Department of Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science, work with post-primary schools, and other community settings.

While the content will specifically target the education and post-primary sectors, we welcome participants who are working in areas such as youth work, community organisations, the Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána, etc.
Sexual consent, sexual violence and harassment (SVH) are critical issues in educational settings. This module equips participants to design and support student engagement and organisational development, through coverage of areas such as:
- Critical understanding of consent and SVH.
- Designing, implementing, supporting and evaluating consent and SVH programmes.
- Skills for training, workshop facilitation, collaboration and group work.

- Policy, guidelines, and frameworks.
- Principles of organisational culture change.
- Communication/interpersonal skills.
- Interpersonal skills to support receiving a disclosure.
This module will support participants to achieve or extend relevant knowledge and skills and provide an opportunity to share and discuss their learning. It is envisaged that participants will have a range of experiences and backgrounds – for instance, in student services, college administration, counselling and wellbeing, academic programme management and research, and agencies/organisations relevant to education and research.
The module team will provide a clear structure and framework for your learning, encourage you to identify the specific areas you wish to focus on and support these paths, working together with all module participants as respected partners to promote a learning community to share knowledge and problem-solving capacity.
The module covers three main topic areas:
- Designing, supporting, and evaluating education and development programmes on consent, sexual violence and harassment for students and staff.
- Supporting organisational change through staff development, training in receiving disclosures, and acting as a resource for organisational culture and climate change.
- Developing policies and best practice to underpin institutional and procedural change. The module is led by the Active* Consent programme.

The fee for the module is €500.00*.
*The following subsidies are available (subject to meeting the minimum requirements for participation):
1. €250 subsidy through the HCI fee subsidy scheme – open to all eligible applicants living in the Republic of Ireland. There is a fixed number of subsidies available; these will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Click here to find more information on eligibility.
2. 100% subsidy (fees fully covered) for all applicants currently working in the FET ETBI sector.
The requirements for participation are:
• Possessing a degree of Level 8 or above (or an equivalent level of relevant experience).
• Currently engaged in a relevant setting where there is an opportunity to engage in review and planning of initiatives relevant to the ‘Consent Framework’ or similar initiatives on consent / SVH.
• Sufficient workplace support and current personal preparedness to participate fully in the module.
• Availability to attend all 6 online sessions and the in-person session at the University of Galway.
Click here for the CPD module application form. The application form will remain open until January 22nd at 5pm. However, applications will be considered and places offered on a rolling basis, so those interested are advised to apply sooner rather than later. The “personal statement” section of the application form will be considered by the admissions team to assess participant suitability.
In addition to the application form, you will need to submit a copy of your passport or driver’s licence (required for registration) to
To find out more about this course, email or click here.