Consent is for everyone.
One night stands, friends with benefits,
situationships, and long-term relationships.

Consent is for everything. From kissing, sexting, to foreplay or “all the way” (and everything in between).

For all relationships, genders, and sexualities.

Test your consent knowledge below!


Active Consent Quiz

Test your consent knowledge!

1 / 8

According to Irish law, you can change your mind at any point during sex (even when you’re already having it)

2 / 8

You need consent for ALL sexual activity (like sexting, oral sex and foreplay), not just “full sex”

3 / 8

Sharing nudes (intimate videos/photos) of someone without their consent is against the law

4 / 8

According to Active* Consent research, what % of Irish students think consent should be obtained before the start of ANY sexual activity?

5 / 8

According to Active* Consent research, what % of Irish female college students have experienced some form of sexual harassment?

6 / 8

What is the age of consent in Ireland?

7 / 8

According to Active* Consent research, what % of Irish students do you think were satisfied with the sex education they got in school?

8 / 8

According to Active* Consent research, what % of non-binary students do you think have reported experiencing sexual harassment online?

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